Your Voice, Vision, Visibility matters.
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs,
ask yourself what makes you come alive,
and then go do it. Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive.”
— Howard Thurman
Imagine a life where you get to be who you truly are! You embody your uniqueness! Your life is filled with authenticity. You found your voice and you express it. You walk your own unique path. You live from your heart. You share your skills and talents ~ the gifts you brought to this world that can only uniquely be shared by YOU.
I would love to support you to
- let go of emotional baggage that weighs you down.
- gently embrace your wounds and possible trauma.
- feel all emotions deeply to heal. Like a Mermaid.
- soften where you have been hard on yourself.
- integrate forgiveness into your life.
- return to self-love.
It takes tremendous courage to share the parts you might be afraid and ashamed of. Don’t let guilt or embarrassment stop you either. I know you are a bold woman. Come play with me and dare to be real, raw, authentic and vulnerable. Your magic is so much more powerful than your darkness.
Let’s ignite your sparkles again!