Sensuality & Sexuality , Women Uplift 3

Healing Power of Self-Love. Embrace Your Sensuality. Express your Sexuality. Embody 4 feminine archetypes.   Magnificent you - open up to all your sensuality, feel your softness and strength, allow your wildness to fully unfold, immerse yourself deeply in your self-love, and claim your voice. Embody the energies and qualities of four powerful feminine archetypes […]

The Essence of the Feminine, Women Uplift 1

Praxis Christine Banzer Ahornstrasse 1, oberster Stock, Siegertsbrunn-Höhenkirchen

 Embody the Essence of the Feminine. Make Peace with your Mother. Return to Self-Love. An Initiation into the Goddess.18./19.APRIL 2020 IN MUNICHJoin us for an exhilarating weekend of Healing, Empowerment and Celebration as you explore the mystery of the feminine and go beyond personal wounds, trauma and limitations. In the sacred circle of women, you remember the essence […]

Die Essenz der Weiblichkeit – Retreat, Women Uplift 1

 Deine weibliche Essenz ist pure Power. Embody all of it!  Komm in Deine Kraft. Lerne Selbstliebe Tools. Heile Deine Beziehung zu Deiner Mutter. Empfange eine Einweihung in Deine Goddess Energie. Women Empowerment Retreat | Februar 2021 in Schondorf bei München Ich liebe es, Frauen darin zu unterstützen, in Ihre wahre Kraft zu kommen. Ich glaube, wir alle […]