How to Empower Yourself in the Face of Crisis


“Be Empowered and Strong in the Face of Crisis”


Dealing with crisis and uncertainty can be demanding. The world right now is a harsh, loud, and overwhelming place. Wouldn’t you agree? It is so easy to experience fear, anxiety, and stress. This is exhausting. On top of it, you might be hard on yourself, feeling critical, self-doubting and not enough. Ouch!

Please join me for this life-changing, interactive, 4-hour Self-Love Workshop. It is my honor to invite you into sacred time and space filled with magic. Find out why Self Love is so incredibly important right now. Discover how to stop the negative spiral of being hard on yourself, stuck in fear and feeling not enough. Create, embody and express your authentic mission.  Find your own light within.

This workshop offers simple, fun and practical tools to connect to your own source and fill yourself up. You will experience a sense of community and deep connection to yourself and other participants. You get to access your own power, taste your delicious ‘essence’, recharge your body, experience clarity, and feel empowered in your life. This workshop is a wonderful opportunity to get to know Joya and how she masterfully guides and empowers women. She is so looking forward to meeting you soon!

What I love about working with Joya is that so much transformation happens with such enjoyable lightness. – Anna D.

To work with Joya means to go into a deep inner real potential and to be connected with it. – Teresa H.



  • feel unmotivated, exhausted or even depressed
  • experience a crisis or challenge
  • give to much and run empty easily
  • are continuously hard on yourself
  • feel depleted, low energy or lost
  • experience self-doubt or fear
  • feel disconnected from yourself and source
  • feel scattered and all over the place
  • wish to master the practice of self-love
  • want more joy and happiness in your life
  • wish to find or define your purpose
  • need empowerment and clarity




  • deepen your self love
  • relax into uncertainty
  • shift fear into power
  • connect to your essence
  • express authentic self-confidence
  • remember your mission
  • access intuition through softness
  • return to playfulness and magic
  • experience joy as your natural state

5 Empowering Keys for Self Love


When you see another sister and recognize the uniqueness and power of her who is your mirror, you see yourself more clearly.


When you repress a negative feeling, it blocks the flow of love. Your emotions guide you naturally to what is going on within you. 



Your body is your temple. Being in your body and feeling grounded, is an essential key to being present.


Proper conscious breathing quiets the mind, balances the body, offers strength and is a powerful form of loving yourself. 


Engaging your creativity is a powerful way to connect with your heart and to celebrate the divine feminine within you.


I experience so much joy and trust in this sacred space that you create for us women. It is a time to empower growth. Manja D. 

This is a gentle healing experience that every woman should honor themselves by experiencing. – Soulux

Practical Information

This 4-hour Workshop will be held in ENGLISH and ONLINE via zoom.
If you wish to sign up for the GERMAN workshop, please click the top banner. (zu Beginn dieser Seite, im Header ist ein Link für den dt. Workshop)


When: 10 am-2pm PST | 11am-3pm MT | 12pm-4pm CT | 1pm -5pm EST

Date: Saturday, September 7 |  Saturday, November 30, 2024 | for USA clients  

Workshop Price:  $ 90 

Cancellation Policy:  If you need to cancel for any reason, we retain $20 as an administrative fee.
There will be no refunds starting 6 days before the workshop. Please read and print out our AGB below.

Registration & information:  Please use the online registration form below. If you have not received an email after submitting your online application, please check your spam or junk folder. If you can’t find it there, please contact us. Thank you!

Once you sign up through our online registration form, you will get an email with your zoom link.

Questions: Women Uplift, e-Mail:

What Women say about this Workshop...


You are in luck if you get a chance to take a workshop with Joya – take it! Powerful, Joyful, Meaningful and best of all: easy to put into practice right away and everywhere.  –  Tina W. | Pilates Teacher

I experienced Joya’s self-love workshop as a gathering of feminine energy coming together as individuals to share a collective expression of longing for love and self-awareness in a safe space. 

I am a woman who works hard, always keeps going no matter how many times I’ve fallen down, and works to give myself to the world and to others through my passion for writing and being a part of community, even amid times of grief and hardship. Naturally, this comes with exhaustion, insecurity, anxiety, and sometimes depression. 

I needed, somehow, to be reminded to slow down and love myself and I chose to attend this workshop to do just that. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I went with an open mind and an open heart and I found that I in fact needed the space and tools Joya offered to learn or re-learn how to practice self-love, especially having just recently experienced burnout and while I cope with grief and traumas, past and present. 

I not only appreciated Joya’s beautiful, caring energy and engaging personality but the inner beauty, energy, and courage from all of the other women who attended this workshop. Together, we find that although we are unique in our own individual struggles and journeys, we are also the same in our spirits and need for self-love and we are not alone. Thank you Joya for this experience, for the learning, for the love.  –  Georgina Marie | Writer

“I experienced Joya’s workshop on Self Love with a new found compassion for myself that I had been lacking in my daily life. I see myself as a spiritual person who has a genuine love for life. I have a renewed sense of gratitude and a new level of forgiveness that I had previously not known my life was lacking. I entered the workshop with an open heart and a vulnerable soul that I normally wear armor around to shield myself from hurting more. I am a stroke survivor as a direct result of my addiction that roots itself deep in my childhood trauma. I have to wear my trauma as a disability that everyone can see, and for years I did not like myself for what I had done to myself. Joya made a safe place where I could confront my trauma through guided meditation and mother my own inner child. I sat in a room full of other women, most of who  did not know, and allowed myself to come face to face with my ‘gremlin’. As I felt sincere forgiveness and peace wash over me, tears flowed from my closed eyes and wet my shirt. I then looked into the eyes of a stranger and allowed her to see me. I was seen for all that I was and was not. There was no space for the mask anymore. I left it on the floor of the studio that day. I was reminded how to ground myself and shake off the negativity that life throws at me throughout my days.  I left the workshop with my soul awakened and comforted, with the tools to continue comforting and loving myself for years to come. I have been able to continue nurturing the hurt little girl inside of me that wore a mask for the world. I am so grateful for this priceless experience and can feel myself falling in love with myself, Mother Earth and others more and more each and everyday. Thank you, Joya…..for showing me how to love me.  –  Jen N. | Life Artist

Joya's Biography

Joya P. Gallasch, is an expert transformational teacher, intuitive, visionary entrepreneur and self-love ambassador.  As a mentor and retreat leader she has taught programs on purpose, transformation and artists/women’s empowerment in the US and Europe for more than 25 years.

Her story of facing 17 years of a Dark Night of the Soul which also included sexual abuse, loss of her home in a wildfire, and a near-death experience, is touching. Her own inner healing journey to find her self-worth and true power through self-love has inspired her to share it with other women.

She supports women to reframe and transform their relationship with adversity, trauma and challenges keeping them from experiencing holistic success and creating fulfilled lives. She empowers them to blossom into their uniqueness by embodying self-love and softness. She guides them gently to find their voice, vision and visibility.

Artwork by amazing   YogaART